Dalam Al-Qur’an banyak di sebut kata makar, salah satunya “Innallaha Khoirul Makiriin” yang membicarakan makar. Ayat ini memang perlu penjelasan karena ujungnya adalah harus menjadi maslahat bagi umat islam. Dalam Al-Qur’an penggunaan kata makar dari sisi pelakunya berarti kalau bukan Allah maka orang orang yang menjadi musuh Allah, seperti Fir’aun…
PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI INDONESIA 2021 Leaders, Kita semua tahu bahwa tahun 2020 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan akibat wabah pandemi COVID-19. COVID-19 mejadi _game changer_ sehingga kita harus beradaptasi baru dengan situasi kondisi yang ada. Banyak sektor yang terdampak, selain sektor Kesehatan COVID-19 juga menghantam keras di sektor ekonomi. Dalam konteks…
Buya Datuk Mansoer Daud, Ulama Diplomat Minangkabau Oleh, Jemmy Ibnu Suardi Mansoer Daoed, adalah putra tertua Ulama terkemuka Minangkabau Syeikh Daoed Rasyidi, yang lahir di Balingka, kaki Gunung Singgalang pada 10 Maret 1905. Sebagai seorang anak dari ulama terkenal, beliau banyak mendapatkan pengalaman keilmuan yang tinggi. Mansoer sempat mengenyam pendidikan…
Islamic Leaders Club (ILC) Episode ke-1 Napak Tilas Deislamisasi Sejarah Indonesia Bertahun-tahun sebelum kemerdekaan RI 1945, tokoh pendidikan Indonesia Mohammad Natsir sudah mengingatkan umat Islam akan “nasihat” orientalis Snouck Hurgronje, dalam bukunya Nederland en de Islam: ”Opvoeding en onderwijs zijn in staat, de Moslims van het Islamstelsel te emancipeeren.” (Pendidikan…
Articles Here’s What I realize About Ukraine Dating Services Whenever Nothing is Reading by You Else Today, Study This kind of Report about Ukraine Dating Services Why The entire family Love all their Ukraine Online dating services. The Utmost Effective 5 The majority of Asked Concerns About Ukraine Dating Services…
There are several pros and cons of international relationship. For one thing, that allows both equally sides to invest in other countries expecting to to creating a diversified overall economy. Mainly because globalization continues to create new economic areas, there is an increased need for businesses and visitors to invest…
There are many pros and cons of international collaboration. For one thing, it allows both equally sides to invest in various other countries with a view to creating a diversified economic system. As globalization continually create new economic specific zones, there is a higher need for businesses and individuals to…
There are a few pros and cons of international relationship. For one thing, it allows both sides to invest in other countries with a view to creating a diversified overall economy. Simply because globalization continue to be create fresh economic areas and specific zones, there is a heightened need for…
There are some pros and cons of international partnership. For one thing, that allows both equally sides to invest in different countries expecting to to creating a diversified economic climate. While globalization continue to be create fresh economic areas and specific zones, there is a greater need for businesses and…
There are some pros and cons of international joint venture. For one thing, this allows both equally sides to invest in various other countries expecting to to creating a diversified financial system. Because globalization continues to create new economic areas and specific zones, there is an elevated need for businesses…